Your Screen Test (1970)


Fecha de lanzamiento

01 Jan, 1970

Episodio total/temporada



Your Screen Test is an eight-week reality television series on the Rogers TV community channel in Ottawa, Ontario, which aired in 2007. Prospective contestants submit an audition tape or come into the Rogers TV studio to audition. Of those, ten people were selected to appear on the series. Viewers at home were then given an opportunity to vote for their favorite contestant. The top three vote getters made the cut, and the remaining seven contestants were chosen by the selection panel. Competitors chosen to participate compete in various challenges that highlight necessary TV skills - everything from preparation, interviewing, writing, ad-lib and dealing with a live audience. The winner receives their own four-episode television series, which aired in Fall 2007 on Rogers TV. Matt Demers was the first winner of the competition. His series of choice was Nighttime with Mr. Hollywood, a late-night talk show along the same lines as The Tonight Show and Late Show with David Letterman. It has not been determined if the show will continue on Rogers after the four scheduled episodes.


