(Serie que regresa)
Fecha de lanzamiento
01 Oct, 2003
Tiempo de ejecución
00:05: (HH:MM)
Episodio total/temporada
Each short episode is divided into two segments - The first part involves wordless slapstick comedy among four safari explorers which introduces an animal. The second part shows (another wordless) adventure of the animal previously seen.
Season 1
01 Oct, 2003
Season 2
01 Aug, 2009
Season 3
01 Mar, 2014
Season 4
01 Jun, 2019
This season should not be part of Jungle Beat. It is instead Jungle Beat Explorers, a spin-off of the original Jungle Beat. They have gone ahead and added official Seasons 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 to Jungle Beat, but this is not it. See h t t p : / / j u n g l e b e a t . t v and also h t t p s : / / t h e t v d b . c o m / s e r i e s / j u n g l e - b e a t / s e a s o n s / o f f i c i a l / 4
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