Alexey Aygi
Alexey Gennadyevich Aigui (Russian: Алексей Геннадьевич Айги; Chuvash: Ahekh Aleksen Gennadievic, Aihi Alexey Gennadievic), born July 11, 1971 in Moscow, is a composer and violinist, conductor of Ensemble 4'33 ". He studied at the Ippolitov-Ivanov School of Music and studied the principles of composition. In 2001 he collaborated with Pierre Bastien... and produced the CD La Musique Cyrillique. From Wikipedia (fr), the free encyclopedia
También conocido como:
Alexey Gennadyevich AiguiАлексей Геннадьевич АйгиAhekh Aleksen GennadievicAihi Alexey GennadievicAleksei AigiAleksei AygiAleksey AigiAleksey AygiAlexei AigiAlexei AygiAlexey AigiAleks AygiAlexeï AïguiAlexei Aigui