Touch Me

01 Jan, 1970 en

Touch Me (タッチミー / Mii Tatchi) was only active for a few years in the 1970s, but starting with his early 8mm works, he developed his own film with his self-created optical printer and pursued a unique visual style using distinctive techniques such as experimenting with time-lapse imagery. Doing everything... from shooting to visual effects, he produced ten films employing original techniques that were immensely time-consuming, but only three have been located today. He is one of the filmmakers of the 1970s who are ripe for rediscovery. As his elder brother, Masanobu Nakamura, he was part of a filmmakers’ association known as Aoki-Gōsha (“blue luxury”).

También conocido como:

達智巳一タッチミーMii Tatchi