Oksana Fyodorova
Oksana Gennadyevna Borodina (born 17 December 1977), known professionally as Oxana Fedorova, is a Russian television presenter, singer, actress, fashion designer, model and beauty queen. Outside of her career in the entertainment industry, Fedorova is a former police officer. Fedorova began her career in the entertainment industry as a model, later... becoming Miss Saint Petersburg 1999 and Miss Russia 2001. She went on to win Miss Universe 2002, becoming the first Russian entrant to win Miss Universe. She reigned for 119 days until becoming the first Miss Universe to be dethroned (the reasons for which are not entirely clear), after which she began a career in television, hosting shows such as Good Night, Little Ones! and Fort Boyard: Russia. She has also participated in numerous charity projects, becoming a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 2007.
También conocido como:
Oxana FedorovaOksana BorodinaОксана БородинаOxana FyodorovaОксана Геннадьевна ФёдороваОксана ФедороваOksana FiodorowaOxana Gennadjewna FjodorowaOxana FjodorowaOksana FjodorovaOksana FëdorovaОксана Геннадіївна ФедороваOksana FiodorovaАксана Генадзеўна Фёдараваאוקסנה פיודורובהFödorova OksanaOksana FiódorovaΟξάνα Φιόντοροβαأوكسانا فيدوروفااوكسانا فيدوروفاओक्साना फ़ेदरोवाMiss Universe 2002