Dominik Szczepanski
Traveler and sports journalist associated with the editorial office of "Gazeta Wyborcza". He also cooperated with sports portals and, which focuses on extreme sports. He mainly writes articles about expeditions, exploration and mountain climbing. Among his numerous expeditions, it is worth mentioning that he twice participated in an expedition... to the Chiribiquete National Park in Colombia, where you can admire ancient paintings. In 2016, he was also at Nanga Parbat in Pakistan, when the team consisting of Italian Simone Moro, Pakistani Muhammad Ali and Spanish Basque Alex Txikon reached the summit for the first time in history in winter. The result of my stay in the Himalayas was the book “Nanga Parbat. Snow, lies and a mountain to be liberated”, prepared by Szczepański together with the traveler and reporter Piotr Tomza.
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