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David Chandler

09 Jul, 1966 en Southsea, Hampshire, England, UK

David was born on the south coast of England and, from an early age, always wanted to be an actor (or at least a performer of some kind). After attending a specialist Drama School, he side-stepped into magic and was soon performing a successful illusionist act around the country. It... went through many iterations before finally coming to an end several years later when he moved abroad. Fast forward twenty(ish) years to a chance meeting in Armenia with a production company that was looking for a native English-speaking actor for their bold plan to produce Armenia's first horror show - Mahvan Jokaty. He was later recast in (basically) the same role for the US adaptation - Death Squad. - available on The CWSeed Network. Today, with his published books, as well as his screenwriting, production, voiceover, and acting credits - in shows like Purgatory - David's career has come full circle, and he finds himself back where he had first set off all those years ago.

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