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Dariga Tlendiyeva

01 Jan, 1970 en

Dariga Tlendiyeva (born in 1946, Almaty region, Koksu district, formerly Aktekse district) is an actress and Honored Artist of Kazakhstan (1998). She graduated from the two-year course at the Kazakhfilm studio and from Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute (KazPI) in 1980. She made her debut in the film Kūlager, produced by... Kazakhfilm, and later performed various roles in films such as Ak Mashina, Altyjasyar Alpamys, Khoshtaskym Kelmeydi, Zhambyl's Youth, and others. Since 1993, she has been a member of the Otyrar Sazy orchestra. Since 1967, she has been an actress at Kazakhfilm studio (now known as Sh. Aymanov Kazakhfilm JSC). She has appeared in films such as Trizna (1974), Alpamys Goes to School (1977), Enemy, Fear the Ninth Son (1984), Khoshtaskym Kelmeydi (1992), Zhambyl (1993), and others.

También conocido como:

Дариға ТілендиеваДарига ТлендиеваDariga Tlendiyeva