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Glória Menezes

19 Oct, 1934 en Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Nilcedes Soares de Magalhães, known as Glória Menezes (Pelotas, October 19, 1934), is a Brazilian actress. Throughout her career in television and cinema, she received four Press Trophies, an APCA Award and a Mambembe Award, among others. In 2004, she was awarded the Mário Lago Trophy for her work as... a whole.

También conocido como:

Глория МенессесГлория Менезес

O Semideus
0% (1973)
Pai Herói
0% (1979)
Jogo da Vida
80% (1981)
Vira Lata
60% (1996)
Cat's Cradle
81% (2009)
Almas de Pedra
0% (1966)
A Deusa Vencida
0% (1965)